
Together we want to listen better to the Call of Jesus Christ and be more effective apostles.


Today the Society numbers over 16,000 members and is present in an unprecedented number of countries worldwide. We want the love of Jesus Christ to be proclaimed and to do this effectively we want to collaborate with others. We are working with tens of thousands of people who are our partners in mission. We work together in schools and spirituality centres, universities and youth centres, with refugees and for the homeless. We share the depths of our spirituality with our collaborators and we also learn from them. Together we want to listen better to the Call of Jesus Christ and be more effective apostles.


The Society has always relied on generous benefactors and friends who have supported our mission in all its different aspects. Without their help, our works could not continue. And we remember them regularly in our prayers and Masses.

FACSI - Fundus Apostolicus et Caritativus Societatis Iesu

Within the Society we also have a system of sharing and solidarity. Provinces are invited to contribute annually to a central fund. Requests for funding and help are received from places of need, and Father General decides where the resources should be allocated. Projects supported are usually linked to the Society, but on occasion can be non-Jesuit works.


Networking is more and more important - and ever more possible - in our globalised world.

Jesuits live and work in about 80 Provinces and Regions across the world. This gives an amazing global reach. We learn from each other, sharing expertise and best practice in areas such as education or in social or pastoral ministry. This means, for example, that students in Africa can link up with those in the United States; that Jesuits working in the Amazon rainforest can link up with others working in the Congo Basin or the Philippines, that those accompanying refugees in Syria can get help from colleagues working with refugees from South Sudan.