Missions from the Pope
Our commitment to serve the Church and the Pope as Vicar of Christ is reflected in all we do
Interprovincial Houses
DIR - Domus Interprovinciales Romanae
Besides the houses of the Italian Jesuits in Rome, there are some large institutions and communities at the service of the universal Church. They depend directly on the Superior General of the Society of Jesus and are governed in his name by a Delegate who is a Major Superior. Currently Father General’s Delegate for these apostolates is Father Johan Verschueren.
Missions from the Holy Father
The Society of Jesus is characterised by a commitment to accept special missions from the Holy See. Jesuits have a special vow of obedience to the pope as regards missions, being ready to go wherever the Holy Father sends them.
Our commitment to serve the Church and the Pope as Vicar of Christ is reflected in all we do.
In Rome we try to help the Vatican to fulfil its mission as it serves the universal church. We run three universities (Pontifical Gregorian University, Pontifical Oriental Institute, and Pontifical Biblical Institute) which train clergy, religious and lay people to bring the Gospel to future generations. We also work in the formation and accompaniment of candidates for the priesthood in a number of institutions (Russicum, Germanicum-Hungaricum, and Pio Latinoamericano).
Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network
The Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network (Apostleship of Prayer) is an ecclesial service of the Holy See entrusted to the Society of Jesus, includes the Eucharistic Youth Movement. Its mission is to mobilize Christians, through prayer and action, for the challenges facing humanity and the mission of the Church. The foundation of its mission of compassion for the world is the Heart of Christ.
Vatican Observatory (Specola Vaticana)
A centre of astronomical observation and research, with two sites, one at Castelgandolfo (Italy) and the other at Tucson, Arizona (USA). The Castelgandolfo centre is located in the papal gardens, and the historical telescopes are on top of the papal palace.
The Vatican Observatory Research Group is hosted by Steward Observatory at the University of Arizona, and operates the Vatican Advanced Technology Telescope located at the Mount Graham International Observatory in Arizona.
La Civiltà Cattolica
Although not a direct mission from the Holy Father, La Civiltà Cattolica works in close collaboration with the Vatican, especially with the Secretariat of State. The magazine appears every two weeks and offers ongoing reflection on major society and Church issues. Recently it has began to appear in French, Spanish, English, and Korean as well as in Italian.