Higher Education

Maximum development of the gifts and capacities with which each person is endowed in the best possible service of others

Higher Education

Depth and creativity are key words in the Society’s missions and ministries and are the cornerstone of our mission in Higher Education. We have universities and higher education faculties in over 80 countries of the world. They are devoted to an in-depth appreciation of the world that we live in. They promote an ever deeper understanding of the human person and the dynamics at work in our world - inter-personal, religious, social, physical and cultural. An example of their strong commitment to mission can be found here.

Online learning is becoming increasingly prevalent and our network of Jesuit Worldwide Learning brings on-line learning opportunities to refugees in camps and to other remote places where people are without access to education. In addition the Jesuit Refugee Service also offers online courses at university level to refugees who can develop their intellectual capacities, even while they remain in camps, far away from university campuses.

Six priority issues for Jesuit Higher Education

Civic and political leadership formation

Formation of Ignatian leadership

Education for those at the margins

Economic and environmental justice

Inter-religious dialogue/ secularism

Peace and reconciliation advocacy

International Association of Jesuit Universities (IAJU)

Today we count more than 200 higher education institutions in the Jesuit network in partnership with a great number of lay people. Together we educate more than 1 million students, from all kinds of religious, cultural, social and language backgrounds in 5 continents and more than 50 countries. You can find the locations and characteristics of our schools in the International Association of Jesuit Universities website.

IAJU Members

Take a look at the list of the Jesuit Higher Education institutions
