Social and Ecological Issues
Our commitment to follow a poor Lord, quite naturally makes us friends of the poor
Social and Ecological Issues
Social justice is at the heart of the mission of the Society of Jesus. Our mission is the service of faith, of which the promotion of justice is an absolute requirement. Our commitment to social justice leads us to view the world through the eyes of the poor and marginalised. We want to learn from them, to work for them and with them. In fact, the preferential option for the poor has been a call and also a graced challenge for the Society of Jesus. As St. Ignatius wrote to the Jesuits in Padua, “Our commitment to follow a poor Lord, quite naturally makes us friends of the poor”. By being friends of the poor, the Jesuits in social centres and social institutions accompany, serve and empower those who are poor and at the margins of our societies.
Our accompaniment of those who suffer poverty makes us listen to the cry of those who suffer the consequences of the destruction of the natural environment. And so, we are particularly active in those countries where the poor fall victim to environmental destruction. Entire communities have been uprooted and made to move out of their natural environment, and in most cases, it is indigenous communities who suffer most. Pope Francis links the challenge of the social and the environmental, saying:
We are faced not with two separate crises, one environmental and the other social, but rather with one complex crisis which is both social and environmental.
In all of this, reconciliation is a key guiding value and we develop networks that advocate for reconciliation and which promote God’s Kingdom. We emphasise the areas of Ecology, Migration, the Right to Education, Justice in Mining and Peace and Human Rights. We want to work for reconciliation of people with each other and with creation and to bring the charity and justice of the Gospel to all societies and cultures. Inequality, says Pope Francis, “is the root of social evil” (Pope Francis, April 28, 2014).
We have been given the Good News and we want to share it with passion and energy even as we are aware of our own limitations. In this enterprise, which is religious as well as socio-economic, local as well as global, we wish to share the hope and joy of the Gospel and to announce the Kingdom of God, a new way of being and living, of loving and serving.
Click here for more information about our work in social justice and ecology as well as for an insight into the spirituality which inspires and motivates us.