Kolvenbach Library
Peter-Hans Kolvenbach Library
The Library of the General Curia of the Society of JesusThe Peter-Hans Kolvenbach Library, located in the General Curia building since its creation in 1928, consists of about 258,000 volumes divided into four sections:
1. Works written by the Jesuits on a wide variety of topics;
2. Works written by Jesuits and non-Jesuits on the history and other aspects of the Society of Jesus;
3. Valuable rare-book collections from the Society’s earlier days, such as: Bellarmine, Farm Street, Polemics, Missions, Francheville, Marian Congregations, Xavier;
4. A large selection of national and international magazines; there are over 1000 titles, between open and closed.
Since the end of 2017, after its renovation, the Library has opened as a high quality institution for scholars interested in the history, spirituality and social apostolate of the Society of Jesus. Its main aim is the preservation and good use of its bibliographic heritage, to make it available to Jesuit scholars and users in general. For this reason it's today able to offer a reliable environments and human qualities of the people who work with deep ignatian spirituality.
Telephone: (39) 06-69868 643
Email: [email protected]
Entrance: Borgo S. Spirito 4, Rome, Italy
Yearly Schedule
The Peter-Hans Kolvenbach Library is open with some restrictions and observing the following indications:
• The library is open from Monday to Thursday from 9.00 to 13.00 and from 14.00 to 16.30. Fridays from 9.00 to 13.00 and from 14.00 to 15.30.
• Reservations are required by phone at 06.69868643 or by email at the e-mail address: [email protected].
• The reservation will be considered confirmed only after having received confirmation by email from the Library.
• Scholars will under no circumstances be allowed to move within the Curia, and must remain in the reading room and move exclusively accompanied by library staff.
The library will be closed on the following days:
• From Monday 15 July to Friday 13 September 2024 (summer closure)
Any changes to the calendar and timetable will be promptly communicated.
- Pontificia Università Gregoriana
- Polo Unione Romana Biblioteche Ecclesiastiche (URBE)
- Polo Unione Romana Biblioteche Scientifiche (URBS)
- Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana
- Universidad de Comillas (Madrid)
- Macao Ricci Institute
- World Catalogue
- The Laures Rare Book database & Virtual Library
- Post Reformation Digital Library
- Google-books
- Internet Archive
- Gallica (BnF)
- Les Bibliothèques Virtuelles Humanistes (Tours)
- E-Rara (Switzerland)
- Europeana
- IDC Brill
- Biblioteca Digitale Italiana
- Biblioteca Virtual Miguel de Cervantes
- Münchener Digitalisierungszentrum
- "Bibliographie sur l’histoire de la Compagnie de Jésus" file virtuale che racchiude la bibliografia fino al 2016. Include
- László Polgár. Bibliographie sur l’histoire de la Compagnie de Jésus (1901-1980) vol. 1 – Toute la Compagnie. IHSI, Rome 1981.
- László Polgár. Bibliographie sur l’histoire de la Compagnie de Jésus (1901-1980) vol. 2 – Les pays. Europe. IHSI, Rome 1983.
- László Polgár. Bibliographie sur l’histoire de la Compagnie de Jésus (1901-1980) vol. 2 – Les pays. Amérique, Asie, Afrique, Océanie. IHSI, Rome 1986.
- László Polgár. Bibliographie sur l’histoire de la Compagnie de Jésus (1901-1980) vol. 3. Les Personnes A – F. IHSI, Rome 1990.
- László Polgár. Bibliographie sur l’histoire de la Compagnie de Jésus (1901-1980) vol. 3. Les Personnes G – Q. IHSI, Rome 1990.
- László Polgár. Bibliographie sur l’histoire de la Compagnie de Jésus (1901-1980) vol. 3. Les Personnes R – Z. IHSI, Rome 1990.
- bibliografia annuale di Polgar sino al 2001
- bibliografia annuale di Paul Begheyn: 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016 o in un unico file PDF 2006-2016.
- Hugo Storni “Catalogo de los jesuita del Paraguay”
- Joseph Dehergne “Répertoire des Jésuites de Chine, de 1542 à 1800”
- "Cartas que os Padres e Irmãos da Companhia de Jesus, que andão nos reynos de Japão escreverão aos da mesma Companhia da Índia, o Europa, des do anno de 1549. até o de 66…" Impressas em Coimbra em casa de Antonio de Mariis. Anno de. 1570.
- Biblioteca Virtuale della Fondazione Prospero Intorcetta
- Enciclopedia Treccani e Dizionario Biografico degli Italiani
- Oxford Dictionary of National Biography
- Deutsche Bibliographie
- Belgique Biographie Nationale et Nouvelle Biographie Nationale
- A. Saulière SJ “Red Sand” (Madura, 1947) - [88 MB - PDF]
- Cornelius Galle [1610] “Vita Beati Patris Ignatii Loyola”
- Giacomo Fuligatti “Compendio della vita dell’apostolo dell’India S. Francesco Saverio” (Roma, 1637)
- Florencio del Campo “Relación de las fiestas que la ciudad de Barcelona ha celebrado en el grandioso templo de la Casa Professa de la Compañía de Jesús” (Barcellona, 1640)
- “Summa del estado del Imperio de la China y Christianidad del, por la noticias que dan los Padres de la Compañía de Iesus, que residen en aquel Reyno hasta el anno de 1649” [Mexico] : En la Imprenta de Iuan Ruyz, 1650
- Giuseppe Maria Polizzi SJ. ”Diuus Franciscus Borgia caelifer Atlas a Collegio Panormitano Societ. Iesu in eius apotheosis gratulationem repraesentatus”. [Palermo, 1672]
- Diego Eguiluz S.I. “Relación de la mission apostólica de los Moxos en la provincia del Perù” (Lima, 1696)
- Francisco Lainez S.J. “Defensio Indicarum missionum Madurensis, nempe, Maysurensis e Carnatensis, edita occasione decreti ab Ill.mo d. patriarcha Antiocheno d. Carolo Maillard de Touronon visitatore apostolico in Indiis Orientalibus lati, e suscepta a Francisco Lainez e Societatis Jesu electo episcopo Meliaporensi”. [Romae(?) : Ex Typpographia Reverendae Camerae Apostolicae (?) 1707]
- Giovanni Pedro Pinamonti; Maximilian Rassler. ”Infernus Apertus Hominibus Christianis, ut in illum non descendant, Sive Considetiones de Poenis Infernalibus: propositae e per totius hebdomadae dies distributae, Italico Sermone à quodam Patre Societatis Jesu”. [Argentarati: Storckius, 1717]
- Alonso de Sandoval, S.I. (1576-1652), “Naturaleza, policia sagrada i profana, costumbres i ritos, disciplina i catechismo evangelico de todos Etiopes”. [De instauranda Aethiopum salute](Siviglia, 1647) Libro 1
- Francisco Romão de Oliveira S.I. “Compendio istorico dell'espulsione dei gesuiti dai regni di Portogallo e da tutti i suoi domini”.
- Sommervogel Karl “Bibliotheque de la Compagnie de Jésus” (12 volumi) Bruxelles-Paris (1890 e seguenti)
- Couplet Joseph « Histoire d’une dame chretienne de la Chine » Paris 1688
- Nicolò Longobardi SJ, « Traité sur quelques Points de la Religion des Chinois » Paris 1701
- Journal of Jesuit Studies
- Woodstock Letters
- The Review of Ignatian Spirituality published by the Council on Ignatian Spirituality
- Archivum Historicum Societatis Iesu:
- vol I-VIII (1932-39) Hathi Trust;
- vol. IX-XVIII (1940-49) Internet Archive
- vol. LIX – LXIV (1990-1995) Internet Archive
- vol. LXV-LXXXI (1996-2012) Hathi Trust (1996-2000; 2003-2006) Internet Archive (2001-2002; 2007-2012)
- Indice generale vol. LI-LX Internet Archive