“The Preferences give a horizon, a point of reference to the whole Society of Jesus.
They capture our imaginations and awaken our desires.
They unite us in our mission.”


Universal Apostolic Preferences

The Universal Apostolic Preferences are the fruit of a process of discernment lasting almost two years. All Jesuits were invited to take part and in addition our mission partners. It concluded with a confirmation from Pope Francis in a special meeting with Fr General Arturo Sosa.

The Preferences give a horizon, a point of reference to the whole Society of Jesus. They capture our imaginations and awaken our desires. They unite us in our mission. The new Preferences are four areas vital for our world today. The Society of Jesus will pay special attention to them in the next ten years. We invite you to learn more and take action with us! We want to make a Gospel difference.

Showing the way to God

Show the way to God through the Spiritual Exercises and discernment

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Showing the way to God
Walking with the Excluded

Walking with the Excluded

Walk with the poor, the outcasts of the world, those whose dignity has been violated, in a mission of reconciliation and justice

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Journeying with Youth

Accompany young people in the creation of a hope-filled future

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Journeying with Youth
Caring for our Common Home

Caring for our Common Home

Collaborate, with Gospel depth, for the protection and renewal of God’s Creation

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With these universal apostolic preferences, we resolve to concentrate and concretize our vital apostolic energies during the next ten years, 2019-2029. We accept them as a mission of the Church through Pope Francis, who has approved them by confirming the communal discernment that was undertaken by the apostolic body.

Father General Arturo Sosa SJ, 19 February 2019

Read the full text of Father General's letter

Universal Apostolic Preferences of the Society of Jesus, 2019-2029 DOWNLOAD THE LETTER


Praying with the Preferences

Welcome to a series of short guides designed for those who wish to enter more deeply into the journey of renewal offered by our new Universal Apostolic Preferences.


To Love and Serve in all Things

We live in a world where so many people have not heard of Jesus; others, because of secularism, have turned away. In addition, the scandals of sexual and indeed other forms of abuse have wounded many people. Jesus is the Door to life. He builds up His body. He wants us to be light and salt for the world. He wants to bring fire, passion, love to all people. The door to carry out our mission of faith and to renew the Society, the Church and our broken world is through a closer contact with Jesus Christ and a deep love of Him. This comes before any priority and is the foundation of any planning.

We commit to engage in a new reflection on the key issues of our times and a rigorous intellectual study of them. In a time of fundamentalisms, we want to witness to a faith that faces emerging questions with honesty and that can debate them with sincerity and openness. Through these Preferences, we want to open ourselves to renewal. We want to strengthen our identity as a part of the Church which is a field hospital - a Church that goes out, a Church of the frontiers, a field hospital where wounds are bandaged, a Church where hearts are healed and love is once more made possible.