As part of his visit to the Jesuit Province of French-speaking Western Europe (EOF), Father General, Arturo Sosa, made a stop at the Matteo Ricci College in Brussels on 19 September. The school which opened in September 2019 thanks to the commitment...
Jesuit Education: A Living Education Tradition at the frontiers... Learning, empowering, serving
Secretariat for Secondary and Pre-secondary Education
We are a secretariat, at the service of Fr. General to facilitate communication and coordination between the General Curia and the educational apostolate and promote the apostolic vigor of the Secondary and Pre-secondary Jesuit school apostolate in the world according to the mission of the Society of Jesus as defined by GC 36 - Companions in a mission of Reconciliation and Justice: with God, within Humanity and with Creation - and the UAPs as mission of the Church entrusted to us by Pope Francis and promulgated by Fr. General, Arturo Sosa, SJ.
International Commission on the Apostolate of Jesuit Education - ICAJE
ICAJE serves as an advisory commission to the Secretariat for Education. ICAJE played an important role in outlining the contemporary official documents of Jesuit Education: The Characteristics of Jesuit Education (1986), Ignatian Pedagogy: A Practical Approach (1993); and, Jesuit Schools: A Living Tradition in the 21st Century.
The Jesuit Global Network of Schools
Today we count more than 2,300 schools in the Jesuit network in partnership between the Jesuit schools and a number of companion schools. Together we educate more than 2 million students, from all kinds of religious, cultural, social and language backgrounds in 5 continents and more than 70 countries.
Map of the Jesuit Global Network of Schools
You can find the locations and characteristics of our schools in the interactive version of the map in Educate Magis
Global Statistics Report
Every year, the Secretariat for Education publishes a report with the number of schools in the Jesuit Global Network. This report is prepared using the statistics provided by the ICAJE members. The report compiles general statistics of the network, such as the number of schools and students and the number of Jesuits and lay people working in education.
Summary Statistics 2024 | May 7, 2024 - Rome
Summary Statistics 2023 | June 16, 2023 - Rome
Summary Statistics 2022 | May 24, 2022 - Rome
Summary Statistics 2021 | May 3, 2021 - Rome
Summary Statistics 2020 | August 10, 2020 - Rome
Summary Statistics 2019 | June 11, 2019 - Rome
Educate Magis
Educate Magis is the global online community of Jesuit and Ignatian educators, collaborating in the process of renewing, innovating and re-imagining the Living Tradition of Jesuit Education.
Official Jesuit Education Documents and Resources
This resource presents an integrated perspective on the most important recent documents that shape Jesuit Education Today.
Each document has its own purpose, but together they present a comprehensive response to the mission of the Society of Jesus as it has been defined by GC-36: A Mision of Reconciliation and Justice with God, within humanity and with creation.
For additional information, resources, webinars and the interactive version of the infographic visit the "Jesuit Schools at the Service of Our Universal Mission: An Integrated Perspective" section in Educate Magis.
This document follows the tradition of assisting our education apostolate in reflecting and discerning the particular challenges and opportunities of our time and provides 10 global identifiers of Jesuit Education nowadays.
The purpose of this document is to invite all stakeholders of Jesuit schools to begin, continue or renew a process of discernment as the way to proceed in response to our historical context, our roots and our identity. We are aware, as never before, of the everchanging nature of history, the acceleration of change and the many challenges we face. However, we are also called to rediscover that our Ignatian heritage provides us with the appropriate instruments to find God in this context and to continue offering quality education in the humanist Jesuit tradition of preparing students to become agents of change at the service of the common good.
We ask that the directors of our educational ministries set aside the time and organize a process for our faculties and staffs to participate in a discernment on each of the 28 sections that call for reflection and actions for the greater good. This discernment must be seen as a continuation, in general, of our living educational tradition and in particular as a continuation of the discernment called for by the JESEDU-Rio 2017 Action Statement and the Universal Apostolic Preferences.
This is a huge commitment of time for our institutions and it is essential. To engage in thoughtful, prayerful conversations, to discern our way within and for our institutions; then to communicate and collaborate with our global network is essential. Listen to one another across the regions; strengthen our ties; work to achieve the greater good. Set in motion what we can do as our Gospel response to the new signs of the times.
Download the document: ENG, ESP, FRA, ITA, POR, POL, ALB, CHM, CAT, ARA.
A Living Tradition is also available as an interactive webpage located at Educate Magis. This on-line community connects educators from Jesuit and Ignatian schools worldwide. At the end of each section of the webpage, educators can enrich A Living Tradition through interactive conversations, videos, photographs and links, reflecting the rich diversity of the six Jesuit conferences: Africa and Madagascar, Asia Pacific, Europe, Latin America, North America and South Asia.
Structure of the Document
Part 1: Foundational Documents
To reflect on the foundational documents that have been promulgated in the past thirty years:
A. The Characteristics of Jesuit Education 1986
B. Ignatian Pedagogy: A Practical Approach 1993
C. The Universal Apostolic Preferences of the Society of Jesus, 2019
D. Other Important Documents
Part 2: The New Reality of the World
To reflect on some of the major changes that have taken place over this time period:
1. The Socio-Political Reality
2. Education
3. Changes in Religious Practice
4. Changes in the Catholic Church
5. Changes in the Society of Jesus
Part 3: Global Identifiers of Jesuit Schools
To strengthen our schools’ participation in the new global reality. This document presents 10 key identifiers that should be present in all Jesuit schools.
To act as a universal body with a universal mission
1. Jesuit Schools are committed to being Catholic and to offer in-depth faith formation in dialogue with other religions and worldviews
2. Jesuit Schools are committed to creating a Safe and Healthy Environment for all
3. Jesuit Schools are committed to Global Citizenship
4. Jesuit Schools are committed to the Care of all Creation
5. Jesuit Schools are committed to Justice
6. Jesuit Schools are committed to being Accessible for All
7. Jesuit Schools are committed to Interculturality
8. Jesuit Schools are committed to being a Global Network at the service of the Mission
9. Jesuit Schools are committed to Human Excellence
10. Jesuit schools are committed to Life-Long Learning
Main presentations on education from the last General Superiors of the Society of Jesus: Fr. General Pedro Arrupe, Fr. General Peter-Hans Kolvenbach, Fr. General Adolfo Nicolás and Fr. General Arturo Sosa.
To see the documents available in Spanish, French and Italian, select the desired language in the box located at the top right of this website.
Presentations on Education by Father General Arturo Sosa (2016-today)
Presentations on Education by Father General Adolfo Nicolás (2008-2016)
Presentations on Education by Father General Peter-Hans Kolvenbach (1983-2008)
October 7, 2004 Omaha, USA |
Allocution of Fr. General on the Occasion of Celebrating 125 years of Jesuit/Lay Partnership. Cooperating with Each Other in Mission - English |
22 January, 2003 Kolkata, India |
Allocution of Fr. General to the World Alumni Congress. Where the mind is without fear and the head is held high - English |
May 27, 2001 Rome (Monte Cucco), Italy |
Allocution of Fr. General in the International Meeting of Jesuit Higher Education. The Jesuit University In The Light Of The Ignatian Charism - English |
October 6, 2000 Santa Clara, USA |
Allocution of Fr. General in Santa Clara University. The service of faith and the promotion of justice In American Jesuit higher education - English |
May 10, 1997 Washington, DC, USA |
Allocution of Fr. General to the Georgetown University Board of Directors - English |
Presentations on Education by Father General Pedro Arrupe (1965-1983)
Part IV, Chapters 7, 10-17 - English
Complementary Norms
Part VII, 277-297 - English
General Congregation 31 Decree 28 (1967)
The Apostolate of Education - English
General Congregation 31 Decree 29 (1967)
Scholarly Work and Research - English
General Congregation 34 Decree 17 (1995)
Jesuits and University Life - English
General Congregation 34 Decree 18 (1995)
Secondary, Primary and Non-formal Education - English
Characteristics of Jesuit Education (1986)
Letter from Father General Kolvenbach SJ - English
Document on the Characteristics of Jesuit Education - English
Ignatian Pedagogy: a Practical Approach - The IPP (1993)
Letter from Father General Kolvenbach SJ - English
Document on Ignatian Pedagogy - English
Human Excellence - The Four Cs (2015)
Some Considerations on the Construction of New Facilities for Jesuit Schools (2017)
Construction Manual - English
Ignatian Pedagogy: Classic and Contemporary Texts on Jesuit Education from St. Ignatius to Today (2018)
Ignatian Pedagogy - English
Roles and Responsibilities of the Education Delegate (2021)
Roles and Responsibilities of the Education Delegate - English
Our own schools have greatly benefited from globalization and the opportunity to come, reflect and work together. The recent first cycle of global gatherings - Discovering our Apostolic Potential - is a testimony to it.
These global gatherings (Colloquium - Seminar - Congress) have renewed the enthusiasm and have brought a new awareness of what we can accomplish when we work together. The second cycle - Walking as a Global Network at the Service of the Mission - will begin in 2021 with the II Colloquium JESEDU-Global2021.
Second Cycle – Walking as a Global Network at the Service of the Mission (2020-today)
II Colloquium JESEDU-Global2021
Vision Statement - English
Click here for more information
First Cycle - Discovering our Apostolic Potential
International Congress for Jesuit Education Delegates JESEDU-Rio (Rio de Janeiro 2017)
Action Statement - English
Highlights of JESEDU-Rio2017: Fr. General Arturo Sosa in Rio (Rio de Janeiro, 2017) - English
Click here for more information
International Seminar on Ignatian Pedagogy and Spirituality SIPEI (Manresa 2014)
Vision Statement - English
Click here for more information
International Colloquium on Jesuit Secondary Education ICJSE (Boston 2012)
Vision Statement - English
Click here for more information