Reflection and prayer in Auschwitz
In May 2019, during his visit to the two Jesuit Provinces of Poland, Father Arturo Sosa, Superior General, took the time to visit the Auschwitz-Birkenau site. It is now a museum, and even more a memory space. It is a place that makes every human being feel how the madness of discrimination and rejection of difference can lead to inhumanity. Concentration camp, forced labor camp, extermination chamber. Barbarity reigned there in the middle of the 20th century; it still manifests itself, unfortunately and often in a more hidden way, in our time.
The commitments of the Society of Jesus to reconciliation, the link that Jesuit spirituality makes between the service of faith and the promotion of justice, the orientations proposed to Jesuits and their partners through the Universal Apostolic Preferences which open paths to sharing and caring for marginalized people, all of these form the background to the struggle of the heirs of Saint Ignatius to build a world where the madness of evil is overcome by compassion and self-giving.
Our collaborator Mikołaj Cempla was able to evoke Father Sosa’s visit in images; he has made it an invitation to meditation and prayer.