The Jesuit Vocation: a call to something “more”

The call to religious life and the priesthood is a profound one, inviting young men to a life of service and dedication for the greater glory of God.

For individuals yearning for something more, or moved with a desire to live a life of purpose and meaning, the Society of Jesus offers a path worth considering. Whether as a priest or a brother, joining the Jesuits means signing up to make a difference in the world.

If you feel drawn to explore this invitation further, please reach out to a Jesuit community close to you. They can provide guidance and journey with you as you discern if this vocation is right for you.

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Posted by Communications Office - Editor in Curia Generalizia
Communications Office
The Communications Office of the General Curia publishes news of international scope on the central government of the Society of Jesus and on the commitments of the Jesuits and their partners. It also handles media relations.

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