“The first step, for the candidate as well as for us, the moderators, is to clarify the deep motivations behind the desire to be a Jesuit. When they arrive, candidates express very simple motivations such as wanting to have a happy life, inner peace and the desire to serve God...”
Read MoreIt’s a fact that in most countries of the world, vocations to the religious life are few and far between, given the social, cultural and religious context of today’s world. There is, however, one notable exception to this trend: Vietnam. The number of young Vietnamese entering the Jesuit novitiate...
Read More16 July 2024 will be remembered as a momentous occasion in the history of Bangladesh Jesuit Mission of Calcutta Jesuit Province because for the first time ever, two second-year novices pronounced their First Vows in the Society of Jesus at Arrupe Jesuit Novitiate, Mathbari, Gazipur.
Read MoreAfter 10 years, Jesuit brothers from European Provinces met again, hosted by the Manréza Retreat House in Dobogókő from 16 to 21 July.
Read MoreWe asked some of the Jesuit deacons ordained this year to tell us what this step meant to them. Today, the testimonies of Guillermo Medina, a Mexican ordained in Bogotà (Colombia) and Rivelt Silnéus, a Haitian ordained in Paris.
Read MoreWhile a certain number of Jesuits are “brothers”, men who choose religious life without engaging in priestly ministry, the vast majority of Jesuits in formation are preparing to become priests in the Society of Jesus. However, before being ordained a priest, each one is first ordained a deacon...
Read MoreLet us pray that men and women religious, and seminarians, grow in their own vocational journey through human, pastoral, spiritual and community formation, that leads them to be credible witnesses of the Gospel.
Read MoreLabre ministry offers Loyola University Chicago students, and me, Jesuit scholastic, a weekly opportunity to form relationships with individuals experiencing homelessness in the heart of our city. In our last encounter...
Read MoreRichard Joubert is a scholastic in his final year of first studies at Loyola University of Chicago. A member of the UCS (United States Central and Southern) Province, he had the opportunity to meet Fr. General during the latter’s visitation of the UMI (United States Midwest) Province.
Read MoreDuring his visitation to the Provinces, Fr. General always tries to participate in an ordination of a Jesuit or to preside a celebration of Final Vows. During the time he spent recently in the United States Midwest Province (UMI), he had the pleasure of receiving the Final Vows...
Read MoreImagine this: you finally conquer that mountain you’ve been training for, the view from the peak is breathtaking, but then... you just pack up and go home? Easter can feel a bit like that sometimes. After the long period of lent, we celebrate the victory, the resurrection...
Read MoreThe call to religious life and the priesthood is a profound one, inviting young men to a life of service and dedication for the greater glory of God. For individuals yearning for something more, or moved with a desire to live a life of purpose and meaning, the Society of Jesus offers a path...
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