While voting “Cogenda/Non Cogenda” is the primary responsibility of a Congregation of Procurators, what happened - and what happens next - is more nuanced that a simple “yes or no” vote.
71st Congregation of Procurators
The beginning in images
Loyola, SpainThe hundred or so Jesuits gathered in Loyola, the birthplace of Saint Ignatius in Spain, are living an eight-day retreat together. In this way, they are getting ready to discern about the orientations of the Society of Jesus for the next few years. The meeting will take place over the next week, from 15 to 21 May.
To help you feel the atmosphere of this important gathering and to encourage you to unite in prayer with the members of the 71st Congregation of Procurators, here are some photos of the beginning of the event, including the opening Mass in the Basilica of Loyola.
Take a look at our photo essay!
© Curia Generalizia della Compagnia di Gesù