Posted by Communications Office
- Editor in Curia Generalizia
Pope Francis has appointed Fr Stephan Lipke, SJ, of the Greater Poland and Mazovia Province (PMA) of the Society of Jesus, as Auxiliary Bishop of the Diocese of Transfiguration in Novosibirsk, Russian Federation.
Founded in the very city where Ignatius de Loyola and his first companions studied, the Facultés Loyola Paris have never ceased to foster dialogue with the rich cultural and academic environment in which it operates, to help shed light...
In Sri Lanka, an ecological centre of the Society of Jesus is being reborn to offer ways to improve living environments. Humbly and slowly, things are changing for the better... and smiles are blossoming.
Father General, Arturo Sosa, will visit the French-speaking Western European Province (EOF) from 15 to 22 September. The visit will be an important opportunity for Father General to explore the various aspects of the Province’s mission, including its apostolates...
“The first step, for the candidate as well as for us, the moderators, is to clarify the deep motivations behind the desire to be a Jesuit. When they arrive, candidates express very simple motivations such as wanting to have a happy life, inner peace and the desire to serve God...”
It’s a fact that in most countries of the world, vocations to the religious life are few and far between, given the social, cultural and religious context of today’s world. There is, however, one notable exception to this trend: Vietnam. The number of young Vietnamese entering the Jesuit novitiate...