Journeying with Jesus and forcibly displaced people

Lent 2024 with JRS

To help you enter this Lenten season, JRS humbly offers the spiritual booklet Journeying with Jesus and forcibly displaced people, which seeks to bring us into communion with our brothers and sisters who have been forcibly uprooted.

For over 100 million people today, exile, no matter the motive, is a true Passover. A crossing and a passage through murderous borders. It is an act of faith in the promise of a “resurrected” life. Upon closer examination, the life of a migrant resonates with the Paschal Mystery.

Between the two cries, that of agony and that of the joy of the Resurrection, we are called to move in two directions: to reach out to them with every possible form of hospitality and learn from them. This is the humble purpose of this Lenten journey:

To join Jesus in the desert for 40 days
with his forcibly displaced companions who are already there.

JRS Lenten booklet

Journeying with Jesus and forcibly displaced people
[PDF file 10.2 MB]


All photos © JRS

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