To revitalise the Jesuit evangelising charism in Europe
By Herminio Rico, SJ | JCEP Socius
Father General took part in the JCEP Assembly in Lyon, France
In the feast day of Saint Peter Canisius, Fr General, in a conversation with the Provincials of the JCEP (Jesuit Conference of European Provincials), challenged the Jesuits in Europe to revitalise the evangelising charism of the Society in Europe. The example of Canisius, bravely facing the difficult context of the Reformation, and the example of so many Jesuit missionaries who, in the same 16th century, left Europe to spread the Good News all over the world, are inspiration for today. These companions incite us to respond to the calls of secularisation by finding again that missionary zeal of our charism, directed now to the European societies themselves. This demands apostolic freedom from attachments to what has been done in the past and a deep knowledge of our context to enlighten all apostolic decisions.
Fr General began by offering an overview of the developments in the mission of the Society since Vatican II. He spoke also about the role of the Conference of Major Superiors in discerning the mission in Europe from a universal perspective, taking responsibility for the whole Society of Jesus. Concerns about final incorporation in the Society (issues regarding Tertianship and Final Vows) and the role of Consultors, Socius and Admonitor of the Major Superior completed the main topics of his address.
The Assembly of the Jesuit Conference of European Provincials took place at Le Châtelard, near Lyon, between the 25th and the 29th of April. Other than the conversation with Fr General and some current matters of the Conference, the main topic was the presentation of the IAF (Instruction for Administration and Finances) by the Treasurer General, Sebastian Jeerakassery.