One mission, many expressions: Jesuits in Romania

Manresa Spirituality Centre

Father General met with 60 people from the various Ignatian spirituality groups of different ages and experiences last night at the Manresa Centre. The meeting began with a time of prayer, followed by a presentation of the various activities held at the centre. Finally a question and answer exchange.

From the fall of the Wall to the opening of the Novitiate and the beginning of the Greek Catholic Theological Faculty: the birth of the Centre for Spirituality, was intended “to give orientation to a people, to form the clergy and laity, to promote retreats”.

Manresa Spirituality Centre and the Community House with the Novitiate were inaugurated in the summer of 2002 in the presence of Father General Kolvenbach and with the blessing of Latin Bishop IPS Gyorgy Jakubinyi and Byzantine Bishop PS Florentin Crihalmeanu under whose jurisdiction the Romanian Jesuits work. This place has long been desired and sought after. Its history is recounted by Fr Olivo Bosa.

“[...] In this context we were asked to work to give these young people, who came from an atheistic and anti-religious communist culture, a spiritual formation both in culture and in the experience of faith. Very often, in addition to the lectures, we offered retreats during holidays or vacations, and in time even three days of spiritual exercises.”

Read more on the EUM Province’s website:
Romania: Manresa Spirituality Centre


Meeting the Ignatian spirituality groups at the Manresa Spirituality Centre.

Jesuit Refugee Service – JRS Romania

Fr General, accompanied by Fr Assistant, the EUM Provincial and members of the Bucharest community, visited the Jesuit Refugee Service team. After a presentation of the services offered by Bianca Albu, Project Manager, and Catalin Albu, General Manager, some employees from Romania, Ukraine, an employee from Syrian and another from Rwanda who has become a Romanian citizen, spoke in a style of great simplicity.

They all emphasised the shared service that can change the lives of so many. Father General highlighted the importance of giving oneself completely and living in service to others. He encouraged everyone to continue with generosity, “not just to do a job, but to give one’s life”.

In 2023, JRS Romania implemented 20 projects to provide comprehensive assistance to refugees from Ukraine, Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan and other countries, serving individuals regardless of their legal status.

The team has grown to 180 members, thus enabling the various initiatives to be promoted. More than 25,000 beneficiaries have benefited from the services and assistance essential to improving their quality of life and integration into society.

Among the services provided are 'emergency' services: food and shelter to ensure access to a basic standard of living; cash distribution, providing financial support to maintain independence and medical and psychological assistance, providing complete health and mental health services. Formal education was provided through 25 affiliated schools and kindergartens.

Read more on the EUM Province’s website:
Fr Sosa to JRS Romania: “a service that changes lives”


Father General visiting JRS.

Babes-Bolyai University

Speaking about the historical link between the Society and Babes-Bolyai University, Father General highlighted the similarities and the differences.

“The umbilical cord has been ‘cut off’ centuries ago, with the universal suppression of the Jesuit Order in 1773, and all the merit for the worldwide recognition of this prestigious school at the international level ever since then is due to its Academic body, to their macro and micro management, and the achievements of its brilliant students. However, I would like to enlist briefly some similarities or correspondences between the Jesuit Founders of the Academia Claudiopolitana and the current Babes-Bolyai University, which betray a common spirit and shared values...”

Read more on the EUM Province’s website:
Fr Sosa at the Romanian University

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