The 2023 ICAJE meeting in Rome

The six members of ICAJE (International Commission on the Apostolate of Jesuit Education), representing the six Conference networks that form the Jesuit Global Network of Schools (JGNS), a representative from Fe y Alegría, the Secretary for Education, the assistants to the Secretariat and two members of Educate Magis gathered in Rome, from 13 to 16 June, to discuss some of the current challenges and developments in the field of Jesuit secondary and pre-secondary education.

This year, we also had an inspiring conversation with Fr. General Arturo Sosa. The Superior General shared his perspectives on crucial aspects for our apostolate: collaboration in the shared mission, governance in our institutions, and the integration of the UAPs in the life of the schools, especially the 4th UAP and its call for a new relationship to humanity and the environment.


Some of the topics discussed and presented during the meeting:

1. The members of ICAJE presented a report on the status of the schools in their regions. The reports for this year were centered in: (1) Main aspects of their regional contexts; (2) Impact of the pandemic, in terms of changes and long-term effects on the schools; (3) How regions are getting prepared for the II Seminar JESEDU-Jogja2024; and (4) New opportunities for global collaboration.

2. The Secretary and the assistants of the Secretariat shared their reports on the state of the projects and initiatives promoted by the Secretariat.

3. There was a conversation on possible areas for international collaboration between regions and networks. This included spaces for joint reflection, exchange of best practices and information-sharing over different topics.

4. An experience of spiritual conversation helped the participants to discern on the best ways for inviting our students to become Companions in Mission in the future. The ideas that emerged will help to shape concrete responses to the invitation made by Fr. General last year during the WUJA Congress in Barcelona.

5. Three regional reports were shared on the following topics: (i) meaning of collaboration in our schools; (ii) safeguarding; and (iii) Reactions and implementation of the “Instruction on the Identity of Catholic Schools” of the Congregation of Education of the Vatican (2022). ICAJE will continue the conversation in these important areas as a response to our present challenges.

6. Educate Magis presented the current developments and projects as they continue to respond to the needs and requests of the networks and schools while building an online community of Jesuit educators.

7. On the last day of the meeting, the Organizing Committee of the II Seminar JESEDU-Jogja2024, that will take place next year in Indonesia, presented the proposal for the gathering and received valuable feedback as they continue the organization of this important meeting. ICAJE was very impressed by the hard work of the committee and the solid proposal presented.

8. ICAJE discussed the discernment circles proposed for celebrating the 50th Anniversary of Fr. Arrupe’s allocution Men and Women for Others. The information is available on the Educate Magis site and all the schools of the JGNS are invited to participate.

The meeting concluded with a Eucharist at the “rooms of Ignatius”, the place where he lived his last years before he died on 31 July 1556.


According to Fr. Mesa, “This meeting was of special relevance to continue walking towards the consolidation of the JGNS. The topics discussed this year are fundamental for the work of our schools, and ICAJE continues to be an important actor to respond to the challenge of becoming a universal body with a universal mission.”

José Mesa SJ - Chair, International Secretary for Secondary and Pre-secondary Education
Robert Reiser SJ - Executive Director of JSN - North America
Agnieszka Baran - Director of JECSE - Europe
John Ravi SJ - Secretary for JEASA - South Asia
Johnny Go SJ - Secretary for Secondary Education JCAP - Asia Pacific
Joe Arimoso SJ - Coordinator of JASBEAM - Africa and Madagascar
Marco Tulio Gómez SJ - Board Member - Federation of Fe y Alegría
Eamonn McGuinness - Community Director of Educate Magis
Ciara Beuster - Global Community Associate Director
Catharine Steffens - Assistant to the Secretariat for Global Initiatives
Sunny Jacob SJ - Assistant to the Secretariat for Mission, Identity and the Service of Faith
Felipe Carrillo - Assistant to the Secretariat for Special Projects and Executive Secretary FLACSI - Latin America

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