Ecojesuit: a global network that cares about the future


"We now live in a broken world, a world calling for healing." This new video from Ecojesuit, one of the most active Jesuit networks, is entitled "Urgent action for Oikos". "Oikos" is a Greek word that evokes the whole "household" or "dwelling estate". The 20-minute presentation gives Fr. Pedro Walpole, coordinator and one of the main animators of the network, the opportunity to present the environmental challenges and the solutions envisaged by people, institutions and groups from all walks of life in the Society of Jesus.

While acknowledging the world's environmental suffering, the message starts out by inviting us to be grateful for the life we share. In this spirit, it is only fitting that we want to take care of life, in all its forms, and work together for a promising future for the planet. The whole activity of the network is based on the spirit and orientations of Laudato Si', from Pope Francis. It encourages all those associated with the Society of Jesus to be aware of the real problems facing humanity. Global warming, but also the abuse of natural resources, the exclusion of indigenous people and, on a wider level and related to all this, the issue of migration. But Ecojesuit does not stop at denunciation; it promotes the search for a balance between social and environmental objectives.

It's all about relationships; the buzzword is “inter-connectivity”. Facilitating dialogue to help each and every one to live in reconciliation with God, with others and with creation, are principles that have guided all the actions of the Society of Jesus for the past twelve years. The Ecojesuit network maintains links with a wide range of other Jesuit networks: the six Conferences of the Society of Jesus around the world, Jesuit Refugee Service, Servicio jesuita a migrantes, Educate Magis, Fe Y Alegría, FLACSI (educational institutions in Latin America), Ignatian Solidarity Network, and centres of spirituality that are sensitive to environmental issues such as Ignatius Jesuit Centre in Guelph, Canada.

The video features speakers from all over the world. They point out that Ecojesuit's commitment to the environment is made in conjunction with many other actors outside the Jesuit sphere, for example, universities. The spirit of networking is of prime importance in an age of interdependence between people, wherever they live. The message of "Urgent Action for the Oikos" concludes with an invitation to examine our hearts and minds in order to be able to commit ourselves more and more to the preparation of a hopeful future for younger generations.

Click here to watch the video with English subtitles.

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