Welcome to all users of the Jesuit Archives!

By Brian MacCuarta SJ - Direttore academico, ARSI

After closure for necessary building upgrading, we have been delighted to welcome once again researchers to ARSI, the Archivum Romanum Societatis Iesu, from 21 September 2020.

In order to ensure a safe environment for all, in the context of the COVID-19, we have established a new access process. Researchers can book via email: [email protected]

This has been a particularly difficult and uncertain time for researchers, with sudden limitations on travel, and the closure of research facilities. In order to help researchers, we have improved online access to some key resources.

The journal Archivum Historicum Societatis Iesu is now online, open access, from the first number, which appeared in 1932, up until 2013; for subsequent years, research articles are also available online:


The series Monumenta Historica Societatis Iesu (about 160 volumes) is now available online:


Soon, the DICCIONARIO HISTÓRICO DE LA COMPAÑÍA DE JESÚS (Madrid-Rome, 2001) will be available online in a new and improved digital format.

The annual personnel catalogues are now available online from 1774 to 1930 - gaps in the series are being filled. By early 2021, we hope to extend the online availability to 1935.

Father General has decided to extend the limit of access for most ARSI materials to 1958 (comes into effect from 7 January 2021), following the opening of the Vatican Apostolic Archives for the pontificate of Pius XII (1939-1958).

ARSI fonds, which have not yet been processed archivally, will remain closed.

In order to facilitate research on the period 1939-1958, over the past number of years staff have been working intensively in preparing indices for the Province correspondence files (about 460 files).

Our whole team is wishing you fruitful research, online and in person at ARSI.

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