Fr. Angelo Sujeewa Pathirana, new Provincial of Sri Lanka
Father General has appointed F. Angelo Sujeewa Pathirana (51) as the new Superior Provincial of the Sri Lanka Province. Born in Wattala, in the Western province of Sri Lanka, he entered the Jesuit Noviciate in 1991. After his novitiate and juniorate formation in Sri Lanka, he studied Mathematics at St. Xavier’s College Mumbai. After philosophy, he did his Regency teaching at St. Aloysius College, Galle. He studied theology at the Gregorian University (Rome). After ordination in 2005, he served in a parish for one year and then was appointed socius to the Novice Master while doing vocation promotion for his Province.
2010 to 2013, he was at Fordham University (New York) for a Master’s Programme
in Pastoral Counseling and Spirituality. Returning to his Province, he became
Novice Master. In August 2020, Fr. Pathirana was appointed Socius to the
Provincial before being appointed as Provincial. The date of his entering into
office has not yet been announced.
Fr. Angelo Sujeewa Pathirana
New Provincial of Sri Lanka