MAGIS Experiences – Brazil and USA

[From “Jesuits 2023 - The Society of Jesus in the world”]

“MAG+S” is a global movement enabling Ignatian spirituality to be experienced around the World Youth Day events that have such huge impact on so many young people.

But magis is actually a facet or trait of - or even more than that - a lifelong goal of Ignatian spirituality that is constantly promoted outside WYD meetings. It should come as no surprise to learn that in several countries pastoral youth ministry or social programmes have adopted the name MAGIS.

Here below you will find two interesting examples of different versions of the MAGIS “brand” in Brazil and the US.


MAGIS Brazil: alongside young people, designing lives full of hope

MAGIS Brazil Communications Office - Province of Brazil

For the past 10 years, the Ignatian youth network has been working, particularly through the MAGIS Brazil programme, on helping to create “life goals” in the context of supporting young people connected to the Society of Jesus. Life Goals for young People: A methodological pathway to hope was published recently. The book contains reflections and offers practical exercises through the lens of Ignatian spirituality.

Tamirys Carvalho, 28, and Hugo Andrade, 32, are young people who have gone through the process of working out their life goals. Tamirys observes that various anxieties came up for her in the process but says: “What’s more important than responding to these concerns is discovering how many answers to them exist in relationships, through feelings, my dreams, through what really drives me to be whole and to give myself to the world. It’s lovely to discover that my life goal actually comes from my heart and makes me dream and be more.”

For Hugo: “It was important to have the chance to pray through my whole life, all the wounds and the baggage I carry inside me. I remembered things that happened, and I had to acknowledge everything that I’ve been in the past. Only then could I plan for the future, among other things on a spiritual, professional and personal level.” After the process, he also started to help other young people to define their life goals and says: “Helping others meant re-discovering my own prayers, putting them into action and helping others to discover their own individual paths too.”

By offering young people effective emotional support, we believe we have managed to achieve the kind of conversion on a personal, community and institutional level that enables us, alongside young people, to see all things new in Christ.


Magis Catholic Teacher Corps

Colleen Chiacchere - Magis Catholic Teacher Corps, Creighton - USA Midwest Province

Magis Catholic Teacher Corps offers recent college graduates a two-year opportunity to explore and live out their vocation as Catholic School teachers while growing intellectually, professionally, spiritually and communally. While they engage in this service to the local church as Catholic school teachers, they are also studying to earn a master’s degree in education at Creighton University. Two foundational aspects of the program include living in community and participating in faith formation through the lens of Ignatian spirituality.

Exemplifying magis through service: As the participants in Magis Catholic Teacher Corps teach elementary, middle and high school students (kindergarten through 12th grade), they consistently nurture the inherent worth of the younger generation.

Practicing magis through discernment: At regular faith-sharing gatherings, spirituality evenings and retreats, they reflect on the practice of discernment as a way of life, aware of the many demands on their time and seeking to hear God’s voice.

Offering preparation in the spirit of magis: During the two years in the program, participants receive professional and holistic training, through earning a master’s degree in education. Through formational seminars, they learn how to align their work with the Universal Apostolic Preferences.

A hope-filled future: Alumni share gratitude for the support that professors, program staff and mentors give to nourish their teaching vocation. Since the first graduating class in 2002, the overwhelming majority of graduates stay in education beyond the two years in the program, continuing to offer hope to younger people and service to the church. This makes it clear that the magis spirit works!

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