Crying out for peace
“No one is saved alone - Peace and fraternity”
International Meeting of Prayer for Peace between the large world religions
Rome - October 20, 2020
Promoted by the Community of Sant'Egidio
What can we do to promote peace?
It is only through the Spirit of God that attitudes that generate and sustain these conflicts can really be changed. And so, the Congregation asks Jesuits throughout the world to pray for a conversion of hearts and minds through individual prayer and in our celebration of the Eucharist, and to invite others to do the same. Secondly, we encourage all Provinces to advocate for peace using whatever means are available, be they networks, social centers, educational institutions, parishes or publications. Thirdly, we remember the words of Pope Paul VI: “If you want peace, work for justice.” They remind us that, as we work for justice across the globe, we take part in this struggle for peace...
This struggle for justice, peace and reconciliation brings us back to our Jesuit roots in the Formula of the Institute. It has been reiterated in recent General Congregations and is as relevant - and as urgent - today as it was when our First Companions founded the Society of Jesus. This mission at the frontier of war and peace is a mission that touches us all whether we are Jesuit novices, scholastics, brothers, priests, those in active ministry, or those who have retired and may be in Province infirmaries. It touches us whether we are working in a parish or a theology faculty, a school, a spirituality center or other ministry. It calls us to a deeper life in community as well as to personal healing and conversion since we know that, ultimately, the roots of conflict lie in the divisions within the human heart.
John Dardis SJ (General Curia of the Society of Jesus):