Father General has appointed Fr. Thierry Dobbelstein as the next Provincial Superior of the Jesuits of French-speaking Western Europe. This Province includes France, the Walloon Region of Belgium and Luxembourg, as well as Greece, Mauritius and Réunion.
Read More“On 6 February, the earthquake surprised me in Iskenderun. I had celebrated Sunday evening Mass in the cathedral with the Christian community made up of Latin Catholics, Maronites, Melkites, Armenians, Arabs, neophytes and Turkish catechumens...”
Read MoreFr. Arturo Sosa, Superior General, has appointed Fr. Enric Puiggròs Llavinés as the new Provincial of Spain. The announcement to the Province was made on Thursday 9 March, adding that Fr. Puiggròs would take office in June 2023.
Read MoreFather Arturo Sosa, Superior General, has nominated Fr. Dalibor Renić as the next President of the Jesuit Conference of European Provincials (JCEP).
Read MoreFather General Arturo Sosa has appointed Father Sebastian Šujević as the next Provincial of Croatia.Fr. Sebastian is aged 44 and comes from the city of Rijeka, Croatia. He grew up in a Jesuit parish in his native city, where he also attended the Salesian High School.
Read More“We express our deepest sympathy and condolences to the families and communities affected by the recent earthquakes in Syria and Turkey” said Fr Arturo Sosa. “Our hearts go out to those who have lost loved ones, homes, and communities.”
Read MoreFather General Arturo Sosa has chosen Father Shane Daly as the next Provincial of Ireland. He is aged 49 and he entered the Society of Jesus at the age of 35, in 2008. Before joining the Jesuits, he worked as a teacher in a prison for youth offenders.
Read MoreOne of the challenges facing the Society of Jesus in Europe is the emergence of new vocations. “We need to pray more,” Fr. General said, because we must not forget that “vocations come from God.”
Read MoreOn 21st January 1623 Fr. General Vitelleschi issued a decree canonically establishing the English Province of the Society of Jesus. Four hundred years to the day after this decree was issued Jesuits, lay-people and other religious working alongside us...
Read MoreFather General has appointed Fr. Attila András (47) as the next Provincial of the Province of Hungary. He joined the Society of Jesus in 1996 at the age of 19 after his secondary education studies. He studied philosophy in Germany, did his regency...
Read MoreThe Society of Jesus through its parishes, schools, social centers and retreat houses has responded as one body since February 24. Fr. General has asked Jesuit Refugee Service Europe to coordinate this response for the medium and long term.
Read MoreThe Portugal Province is known for its ministry with the youth. With over 1000 young people in the university centres, the youth apostolate sets an example in executing the third Universal Apostolic Preference practices.
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